Monday, 19 September 2016

Itay Talgam: Lead Like The Great Conductors Response

Here are some things I took away from watching the TEDTalk by Itay Talgam Lead like the great conductors:

What did I learn?
A quote that I liked in some things I took away from watching the TEDTalk by Itay Talgam, Lead like the great conductors, was “when it’s needed, the authority is there.” Some conductors I have played under have thought that they were the most important part of the ensemble, and this made him a very un-enjoyable conductor to play under. It is important to show authority when it is needed, but it is also important as a conductor to step back and appreciate the music.

What was insightful?
As a conductor do not be too commanding and do not constantly tell your orchestra/choir what to do, but rather enjoy the music that you are making together.

What did I enjoy?
One of the things I really enjoyed about this TEDTalk was Itay Talgam’s sense of humor. His humor intrigued the audience and helped them connect to his ideas. Another aspect of this TEDTalk that I enjoyed was Talgam’s use of examples through video. The videos that he showed were a great way to break up the talking and engage people’s interest.

What was my take-away?
One thing I took away from this video is that as a conductor, you need to allow the musicians to express themselves through their music and show them that you appreciate them.

What questions/concerns did it trigger?
One question that came to my mind while watching this was how do you know if you are doing too much? I am sure some of these conductors thought that they were doing an excellent job by sticking strictly to the score and showing their orchestra exactly what was on the page. But, if your students don’t speak up, how do you know that you are not being too controlling and getting lost in the score and instruction? After all, different people were taught different things about the way music should be conducted.

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